Emerald Isle

Spring equinox

Irish and Celtic myths and legends, Irish folklore and Irish fairy tales tales of Ireland

Spring equinox

The Spring equinox was a very important time for the people of ancient Ireland, heralding as it did the end of the dark season with all of its dangers and want, and signalling the dawn of a new year of plenty.

The day and night, the light and the dark side of the year were in equal balance, neither stronger than the other, and it is easy to imagine Druids or other wonder-workers standing in sacred places during this liminal time, reaching out to touch the Otherworld, which would never be nearer than at this ephmeral crossroads.

There are several ancient Neolithic monuments aligned to the Spring equinox, the most famous of which has been called "cairn T" at Loughcrew Megalithic complex. It features some of the most beautiful primitve rock art in Ireland, and during the Spring and Autumn equinoxes, the sun lights these designs up through a portal for almost an hour, shaped by the stones of the passage.

Loughcrew can be found on the map below!

Further Folk and Faerie Tales of Ireland

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