Irish and Celtic myths and legends, Irish folklore, Irish fairy tales and More Irish Tales and Legends
The voyages of Saints and heroes in times gone by in Ireland.
The Voyages and Adventures of Irish legend, the immrama and the echtrae in turn, are legends of great spiritual journeys undertaken by the heroes of yore, travelling across oceans that turned to fields of flowers, encountering strange and magical lands and their odd denizens, and their return to tell their stories.
Tales from the Voyages
Mael Duin was the son of a nun, and there aren't many who can say as much. In the turbulent eras of historical Ireland it was not uncommon for the pagan and Christian to come into conflict, as had happened with Mael Duin's father and mother. His father was the fearsome warrior chieftain Ailill Ochair Aghra, and he ravished his mother in one ... [more]
Bran son of Ferbal was taking the air one fine afternoon when suddenly he heard lilting sweet music behind him. No matter where he turned or how he looked, the music always seemed to be at his back, and yet it was so melodious that he fell into a deep sleep, almost a trance. Awakening after a long time he found a silver branch with white apple blos ... [more]